The drama that unfolds in the following months forms the crux of ‘Elite,’ a thriller teen drama television series created by Carlos Montero and Darío Madrona. However, the trio soon learns that they are not welcome as equals by their peers, who ostracize them for no fault of their own.
All of this is made possible by a scholarship offered by the construction company that is deemed responsible for their previous school’s collapse.
The life of Samuel, Nadia, and Christian takes an unexpected turn when their school collapses, and they suddenly find themselves admitted to Las Encinas, one of the most elite schools in the country. Here’s the list of really good gay shows on Netflix that are available to stream right now: If you are interested in watching TV shows which deal with same-sex relationships, then you have come to the right place.
Despite homosexual relationships having been decriminalized in many countries around the world, there is still a stigma associated with it. With more and more TV shows and films about homosexual relationships being made, the taboo surrounding it should cease to exist in the coming years.